Well its New Years Eve.....the time we try to strive for new goals and dreams and the time we reflect on the past year.
As I look over the year some things we're good, some things I could have done better, and some things I am still working on. Even though all of my goals have not been reached they are being worked on.....one in particular is being a mom. I remember saying to my DH last year that I wanted to work on several items by the end of the year...1. work on paying off bills 2. refinance the house 3. prepare for our own child to come into our home or adopt.
Even though I lost my teaching job in June (due to budget cuts) I have managed to pay off one of my many credit card bills and my car :) The two bills together save us over $500 a month (WOW). Refinancing the house is harder than I thought since we are now a one income family. As of Dec 31, 2011 I am 14 weeks and 4 days, so I am preparing to bring our own biological child home.
Even though the weeks have been difficult, I am here. I have made it through the first trimester!!!! Every day I work to stay positive and not let fear take over . I would be lying if I said I wasnt scared, if I havent cried, if I havent felt like I was losing my mind.
I am praying that 2012 brings me my earthly baby...home, safely, and healthy
Happy New Year!!! May it be blessed and filled with all the joys God has planned for you and yours.
ReplyDeleteI PRAY this will be the year for your baby to come home ALIVE, kicking and screaming like he/she is saying "Mommy, I'm not going anywhere." (: Happy 2nd Trimester to you and your little one!